
Remember Part 10

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Remember Part 10
GHB x reader

The next time I woke up it was during the day. Meaning the trolls night. I always found that weird. I felt something on my head and realized Gamzee was sleeping on it. Kurloz was on my shoulder and the Highblood was hugging me again. I felt at home. Over the time I’ve spent with him I’ve realized he’s not a monster, well not to me. To me he’s like a big teddy bear…..when he’s not angry.

I heard panicked honking so I took Gamzee off my head only to see that it wasn’t him. He was sleeping soundly. So was Kurloz. That could only mean one thing. It was the grand Highblood having a nightmare. I put the grubs on the side of the bed and tied to wiggle out of the Highblood’s grip. It took a bit and a lot of wiggling but I got out of his arms. That was only half the battle though. His honks were getting more and more panicked. I started shaking him but it didn’t do anything.

I was starting to get scared. He was stronger than this. So whatever was going on in his mind must be pretty bad. I started shaking him harder. It too a minute but I finally got him to wake up. At least I think it was me it was kind of hard to tell since he suddenly shot up into a sitting position with an extremely loud honk. He was reaching out for something that wasn’t there. His eyes were wide as they darted around the room.

I was about to ask him what was wrong when his eyes landed on me but he pulled me to his chest and started stroking my hair. Then he shoved me away as he placed a hand on my face and stroked my cheek. It was like he was searching for something. Then he pulled me to him again. He wasn’t honking anymore but his breathing was still panicked. “I-I thought the motherfucking messiahs took you. You…you were gone!” I didn’t fully understand what he was saying but it certainly shook him.

I didn’t like it. Seeing him like this. So I started stroking his back and doing what trolls called shoosh papping. It seemed to be working thankfully.

I couldn’t do anything. I had to watch, watch as they took her. I yelled out for them to stop but they didn’t. I thought that that would be the last time I saw her. It wasn’t. The next day they dragged me to my throne and tied me to it. I couldn’t break free. No matter how hard I tried. I didn’t know what was going on. I’M THE MOTHERFUCKING HIGHBLOOD WHY CANT I GET FREE!?

No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get free. Then they brought her in. My miracle. My _____. No, no. NO! They can’t hurt her! I tried even harder to get free still to no avail. My yelling got louder. Then they started. At first they just punched her. Then a few kicks. But they didn’t stop there oh no. They brought out a dagger. The cuts weren’t deep but still they were scaring her. Her body. Her beautiful face. The worst part were her yelps of pain. There was blood all over her. For once the sight of blood made me sick. No matter how much I struggled I couldn’t get free. My yelling to stop did nothing either. Then it happened. My greatest fear. She was speared through the back by a trident.

I watched as her body fell to the floor. I yelled louder than I thought possible. I was in my room. I could feel my heavy breathing as I searched the room with my eyes. Thy finally landed on her. My miracle. My ____. I pulled her to me only to remember my dream. I pulled away to look at her face. There wasn’t any scars. I was so relieved. I pulled her back to me. “I-I thought the motherfucking messiahs took you. You…you were gone!” It was too realistic that dream. I though she was actually dead. I couldn’t lose her. Not again. I have to make her flush for me. And she has to say it.

So what to do? What do humans do for dates? I had Darkleer look into it. Knowing him he’s almost done. I realized I was calming down. _____ was shoosh papping me. Something only moirails can do. Moirails….and matesprits. Does that mean she remembers me? Gog I hope so. She doesn’t even have to remember me just feel red for me again. That’s all I want. Is it really asking too much?

I was pulled out of my thinking by a loud bang.
Okay its really short but I felt bad about not updating.
Homestuck is Hussies.
So i finally finished chapter 11 but my computer is being an ass and wont let me put it in the group so have a link
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kiyokoyotsukisan's avatar
on a scale of one to even, i can not.